Anne Pare : Writings / Ecrits : writings / ecrits

Today, may i come forth. Today may any burden become nourishing food and bring growth.
Today may all the times that i have knelt in sorrow, may all my beings curled up in grief or fear become the stones for me to hug and climb.
May the crust between my ribs fall off and allow my chest to expand, may the chain of my spine loosen up and unlock, to keep me mobile and strong.
Today i am me, and it is the sunniest Hello to the world. It is seeing the world in me – Hello. You are, I am.


Let the Word replace the word. Everything is masked but not so much.
Everything is there already at all time in all times.


Tant de fois couverte, essence, de tant de couches, il suffit de sentir
il suffit d'y consentir, essence, te voici pleinement ouverte.


As I walk over the dry rectangle on the wet road, i feel i am going through a car. As i step to the side walk i am even further in time, the feeling in my body of walking between and through trees. I was here and here. I am now and now.

I lift houses around me as i walk. I create a shift in people around me as i walk, do they feel it, it's not important, what kind of shift, i don't even know. I am a loud call for change, I am a gust of extraordinary, windy stillness.


All the way to the sun do my rays stretch as I comb the space of the foreign and the far.
As i brush my hair, tiny dots light up, so bright on my scalp, a stellar map to communicate with the one above and around. Up to the foreign and to the far i go, trustingly. Rays of hair, vibrating with music still unheard, still undanced on – there is new light to reach us again and again. If you listen with your hair there is so much information.
This hair freer than wings, this hair most joyful of all antennas, this hair speaks good news and untangling wind.


If massage can be compared to typography, may i be that font that makes you forget that there is a font in the first place. That font that lets the content speak for itself. Nothing spectacular, nothing parasiting the comprehension. So simple and obvious, like drinking water.
May the massage feel like an extension of yourself.
Or rather, like an intention of your self.If massage can be compared to typography, may i be that font that makes you forget that there is a font in the first place. That font that lets the content speak for itself. Nothing spectacular, nothing parasiting the comprehension. So simple and obvious, like drinking water.
May the massage feel like an extension of yourself.
Or rather, like an intention of your self.


When a mantra continues singing in you, quietly, through you, as you walk in the streets, when a mantra becomes Silence itself, then it is heard by all who are around.
When wishing becomes wishing and loving 'that, that is', what there is to be, every breath and action is prayer, every prayer fulfilled, we couldn't wish for more because there is more to this than we could have ever wished for.
When opening up to the subtle, the not-so-remarkable, the not-spectacular-at-all, here is the lab of true alchemy, here grey is a glittering of all colors, here nothingness is rich, here dullness is made of various exquisite flavors,
and the dim light embraces all things with a same attention and care, all things made worthy of attention and care.
There is a temple that is richer than grandiose, because it is also small and humble, there is a happiness that is vaster than exaltation because it is also fine and quiet.


There is Smile in your tummy, yes, under the lungs, there is a place of sunshine. Do you feel it? In the center of your abdomen, yes it smiles too!
Its fragrance is so powerful,
as I open up to its Smile,
Hara smells of orange blossom and smokiness
a fresh yellow smell of água de florida, sweet and younger than any bud of a promise,
and a silver smell of prayer.
Manipura, confidence and joy, shine shine shine!


Quiet screech owl. Quiet screech quiet flight. Let my prayer strike right, every time, all the time. In action, my prayer, day and night.
True efficiency is true Love.


Réciprocité en œuvre. S'aimer soi-même. Soi m'aime.


Aimer avec ampleur et exactitude, sans mesure.
Avec estime, sans estimation.
Avec proximité, sans approximation.


Rainbows remind me how the generous, powerful, blinding beam of illumination gets all its colors when meeting the little obstacles of everyday life. Thank you Light, thank you droplets.
It is time for diffraction, choice, division, sorting, articulation, expression, making the best out of what is right here right now.
Let's meet the obstacles knowing they are our chance to show our true colors.
The optical phenomenon of a circular rainbow, that beautiful halo facing the sun which is still object of research and debate among scientists, is called: glory.


all is good because All is good.


Tässä minä olen.
Kolme sanaa jotka merkitsevät samaa.
Tässä yhtä kuin minä yhtä kuin olen.
Kolme sanaa jotka vain vahvistavat sitä, jota ei voi sanoilla kertoa eikä selittää. Vaan antaa mantrana laulaa, lausua kaikkeuden, antaa sen sytyttää rakkauden, luopumisen, luottamisen. Sillä tiivistää ja samalla avartaa olemassaolon.
Tässä. Minä. Olen.

5am is the uddiyana bandha of the day.

Life is wonderful, even when it isn't.

I am love.

All we have is our body.
All we are is everything.

To live with awareness, to be a living prayer.
To keep the awareness constant all along the discontinuities of life.
To feed it enough thread to thrive and enough wax to slow down steady and calm. Sustenance for the spark, sustenance for perdurance.

Aamuyö on kotini. Sitä hengittää hiljaisuus, sisään halaten, ulos avartaen. Sitä valaisee liekki, kuivaa unet ja muut udut, ja kiteytyy tahdonpisteeksi. Liekki on tulen Namaskar.
Kuu taivaassa vielä valoisa. Heijastuu pannulleni.
Lätty paistuu toisen jälkeen omassa ajassaan.
Jokainen aamu on joo-vastaus jollekin, jota ei tarvitse ehkä tietää. Vaikka tiedän, että tiedän.
Jokainen aamu paistaa tahdomme valmiiksi, auringon kaltaisiksi.

Aamuyö on kotini. Sitä hengittää hiljaisuus, sisään halaten, ulos avartaen. Sitä valaisee liekki, kuivaa unet ja muut udut, ja kiteytyy tahdonpisteeksi. Liekki on tulen Namaskar.
Kuu taivaassa vielä valoisa. Heijastuu pannulleni.
Lätty paistuu toisen jälkeen omassa ajassaan.
Jokainen aamu on joo-vastaus jollekin, jota ei tarvitse ehkä tietää. Vaikka tiedän, että tiedän.
Jokainen aamu paistaa tahdomme valmiiksi, auringon kaltaisiksi.

I love. It is truly: I, Love. This chest. The feeling is immense. To you it goes, to you. This expansion.
Please receive, you can. Let any little opening clear a channel for my giving.
I want to give trust, in the little dot of a flame in you, in the immersive and dispersive spreading. Trust your heart, trust your breath.
Space is nothing without the dot, the dot is nothing without space. Meet yourself and expand.
You find wholeness in their growing apart and their exact intersection. A place that neither squinting or strabism will find, but where the focus lies effortlessly. Where attention and abandon are not in contradiction.
You are that. Trust, open, feel.

Even the mist is space. Even in the mist do birds fly.
Clarity in the midst of blurry times.

Between a red red sun eating up the air around, and red red full moon breathing out, whole, confident.
The path to Mexico is between two discs of light. The magic is on.

Even underground. Even in the darkness of a cave, in the very corner of a remote cenote, in the shade, there it is. The heart, the flame. Anywhere you are it is to be found too. An open heart, it doesn't matter that it is Jesus or Buddha or a friend or an unknown. Our fibers light a same love.
Drink it with your heart, drink the clear water of the cenote with your chest as you swim towards light.
I say: Home. Love is here to stay.

Metsässä, koirani tietää
metsässä laulaa sydämeni
Koirani vetää tietä
kauas sanojen arkusta
vers le scintillement des feuilles flipping au vent
Dans le vert dans le vert dans la vertu
à l'envers des décors préconçus,
à l'endroit des corps accomplis,
täällä kuuluu sydämen vihreä sointi.
La direction en laisse, laisse, laisse-moi être entrainée
dans ta confiance
Tresse un collier de trèfles autour du monde
ja riisu seppeleet silmien edestä.
The vision is already here, the quest already in this step
poluttoman askeleet sykkivät aitoa vihreyttä.